
Certified Guest Operating Systems in Red Hat OpenStack Platform ...

3 天前 · The following is the list of Red Hat and third-party guest operating systems that are certified and supported for use with certified virtualization solutions. Support Tiers · Red Hat Virtualization, Red... · Red Hat Enterprise

Support Matrix

Supported Operating Systems¶ · CentOS 7 · CentOS 8 · Debian Buster (10) · RHEL 7 · RHEL 8 · Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) ...

Operating System Compatibility Matrix

Compatibility Matrix¶. All of the OpenStack-Ansible releases are compatible with specific sets of operating systems and their versions.

Support Matrix — kolla

Kolla Ansible supports the following host Operating Systems (OS): Note CentOS Stream 9 is supported as a host OS while Kolla does not publish CS9 based images.

Compatibility Matrix — openstack

All of the OpenStack-Ansible releases are compatible with specific sets of operating systems and their versions.

1.6. Certified Guest Operating Systems

For a list of the certified guest operating systems in Red Hat OpenStack Platform, see Certified Guest Operating Systems in Red Hat OpenStack Platform and ...

Managed OpenStack Support Matrix

Operating Systems Supported with PMO 5.10: CentOS 7.5+ (64-bit); RHEL 7.5+ (64-bit); Rocky 9.4 (64-bit); Ubuntu LTS ...

OpenStack Docs

Supported Operating Systems¶. Kayobe supports the following host Operating Systems (OS):. CentOS 8. Note. CentOS 7 is no longer supported as a ...

Supported OpenStack versions

The latest release of Charmed OpenStack supports many combinations of Ubuntu and OpenStack. The upgrade of both to their next respective stable versions are ...


3天前·ThefollowingisthelistofRedHatandthird-partyguestoperatingsystemsthatarecertifiedandsupportedforusewithcertifiedvirtualizationsolutions.SupportTiers·RedHatVirtualization,Red...·RedHatEnterprise,SupportedOperatingSystems¶·CentOS7·CentOS8·DebianBuster(10)·RHEL7·RHEL8·UbuntuBionic(18.04) ...,CompatibilityMatrix¶.AlloftheOpenStack-Ansiblereleasesarecompatiblewithspecificsetsofoperatingsystems...